Frobishers Mango Juice 24x250ML

Widely regarded as the best variety of mango in the world, the sought-after Alphonso hails from India and is dubbed “King of the mangoes”. It’s famed for its smooth, non-fibrous flesh which creates a bright yellow, clean tasting fruit drink when pressed. Sweet, juicy and fragrant, the Alphonso is a labour of love, with trees thriving in hot, tropical weather for nine years before bearing fruit ripe for picking from branches that tower up to 25ft above the plantation floor. The fruit is delicately harvested using a ‘zela’, a nylon net basket attached to a bamboo pole with a cutting tool attachment. When tugged, the zela clips the fruit carefully from its branch so it falls softly into the basket, minimising the risk of it bruising. This expert harvesting guarantees the optimum quality and freshness for Frobishers Mango Juice.

Product Group :Soft - Bottles